Tuesday, May 19, 2009

80% ahead when running bad = you've already lost

Ok so i have decided to begin this blogging journey to help vent my thoughts and maybe i can get some feedback to use to better myself along the way...

First off about me i am a 26 year old Financial Advisor that would love to escape the 9-5 and have freedom through a professional online and live poker player. I have had a nice bankroll before and managed to spend it and lose whatever wasnt spent so now i am focused on building a new one and treating it like an investment. The highest stakes i have ever played was 5/10 and that is where i made the most of my money but the swings and the stress was killing me. So i cashed out and started over.

I have been playing poker for 2 years and would consider myself an above average player that with a little coaching could be an elite player.

Now my week thus far:

I am focusing on Pokerstars for the sake of narrowing things down to a select site.

You will find that i mainly focus on .50/1.00 and 1.00/2.00 tables where i feel the swings arent as bad and they are manageable. Until my bankroll is comfortable enough for the higher stakes i play these tables with a mix of $25 and $50 max PLO tables.

The Bad Beats

Ok so i know this is poker and that bad beats are going to happen especially online where you are seeing a million more hands then you do live but come on!!!

1)OK under the gun at $50 max i got myself KK..... YAY

Now i decide to limp this due to a full table and i will be re-raising anyone who wants to venture into this hand...

Middle position raises 4X b.b. so i am thinking maybe a small pair or an AQ AJ type scenario we will make him pay to draw an ace.

Folds around to the dealer who pushes all in randomly into about a $3 pot. I immediately think AA???? Hmm after consideration in come up with something along the lines of QQ or AK so i call and obviously the initial raiser folds...

4 A 10 rainbow on the flop.... Initial reaction is i am upset i was beat by AK as you know Pokerstars doesnt show the hole cards. Turn is a J and river is a 2.. Guy turns over KQd and a barrage on insults telling me how much better then me he is hitting his miracle broadway straight. 80% or better preflop even 80% on the flop to win and i get crushed by a complete idiot.

2) Quad aces vs my 6's full.... Not really a bad beat but something told me he had that hand

3) My QQ vs AKd vs AJh.... Rag flop the AJh was all in preflop and then the AKd goes all in after flop so i call and he rivers the King...

4) 5/21... Not playing for even 5 MINUTES on Pokerstars my KK vs AA... The sick thing is i just go all in and walk away from the computer knowing what is happening. SOmetimes it is hard to tell the donkeys going all in with AK or someone who actually has the aces...

5) 5/2... And this morning a small session of PLO which went ok and then the computer was shut off after my set of 2's was beat by a set of 4's on the flop...

Soooo... that being said my Bankroll on Pstars is down about 8% because of the KK vs AA situation yesterday amidst some other small suck outs.... I wouldnt say i am a perfect player but i tend to get my money in when i have the best of it... I may try again today after work... it is friday and alot of people play drunk... tough to tell which stakes i should play... Bankroll mgmt says i should be at $50 max or below but it is so tough to get a nice profit down there... Might hit up some 1/2 later...


1 comment:

  1. Sorry to hear you are running bad. I have been running really bad for around 6.5K hands but I understand that poker can be like that sometimes. What is you starting bankroll? Are you playing limit or no limit? Keep up the good work, and keep the updates coming?
